The Land of Tides

(NANOWRIMO – ROUGH DRAFT 11-1-18 TO 11-31-18 51,893 words)

And it is written in the book of the history of Ternian, with its two moons dancing in the skies.  First discover The Land of Tides.  You will walk down the lanes of the King’s City, Alexandria, in this the year 1650 as counted by man. It is the 14th day of Maius, the first moon of spring.  

A Foolish Woman

Tendrils of fog from the river slipped into lanes and alleys, invading the city of Alexandria. Few noticed. Most good citizens were already gathered with friends and family to partake of the evening meal. Even visitors to the city were pleased to enjoy the company of their fellow travelers at crowed tables in local inns and hostels.

Lady Maria Barrington hurried down a street, in a part of the city, which she usually avoided.  One hand kept the hood of her long dark cloak pulled far forward to shelter her face.

A glance up a side street revealed a brightly lighted inn.  Two men staggered out of an open door, releasing raucous laughter.

Maria froze, but the unknown men turned away without noticing her.   She bolted across the width of the street, huddling up against the dark windows of the opposite corner store.

 A horrible din of falling metal objects echoed from inside the shop.  She ran past the next two shops before caution slowed her to a walk, but her heart insisted on pounding in her ears.

Calm down. She thought, gritting her teeth. There. Was that an apothecary sign?

She paused, holding her hand to her chest. Relief at being close to her destination allowed her heart’s frantic pace to gradually slow. She concentrated on controlling her breathing.

That’s the cross lane, just ahead.  

Maria turned into the lane and walked along, peering at the houses on the left.

One, two, three. Oh, God. Is it that ramshackle heap?

She couldn’t move her feet. She had to force them to take the few steps remaining to reach the door of the third house.   She knocked softly. No response.

She knocked harder, glancing around to see if anyone had heard.

Footsteps sounded inside. The door opened with a dreadfully loud screech, and Maria found herself several steps back down the lane and turning to leave.

“Need something, dearie?” A crackly voice called.


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